Redfield College is an independent primary and secondary school for boys from years 2 to 12 located in Dural, New South Wales, Australia. The school, whose spiritual care is entrusted to Opus Dei, was founded by parents in 1986 and is run by the Parents for Education Foundation (PARED).
Strong focus is placed on Character Education. In doing so, Redfield College works closely with the parents as 'the first educators' of the children and helps parents raise and educate their own children.
Each boy receives a personal mentor, or tutor, selected from the teaching staff[1]. The tutor meets fortnightly with the student and with each child’s parents every term, reviewing progress and helping with goal setting. He is a constant source of support through his attention, friendship, example and advice. The tutor takes a personal interest in the progress of the boys whom he tutors, acting on the parents’ behalf and coordinating the service of the College for the family.
Redfield is located in an open rural setting and has the latest in educational facilities. Sport and music are important aspects of college life.
Some of the programmes available at Redfield College include:
The Tutorial System: The personalised tutorial system is a most distinctive means of assisting a student’s academic progress and character development. The tutor’s rapport and friendship with the student and family are fundamental to the educational process. The parent-tutor relationship is a natural means to ensure that home and school work together effectively.
College Mottoes: The weekly mottos are published in the College newsletter and give a focus to the week for each group of students at Redfield; primary, junior secondary and senior secondary. These mottos are aspects of the four cardinal virtues, known in modern terms as right judgement, personal toughness, responsibility and self-discipline. Mottos are often quotations from great people in history giving a glimpse of their character reflected in their leadership qualities. As well as being practical many of these mottos are inspirational.
Community Service: Community Service is a growing area in the College curriculum, aiming at bringing out the virtues of generosity and sincerity in every student. Over the years diverse and significant projects have been undertaken.
Student Exchange Programs: A tradition that is greatly cherished at Redfield is the student exchange program. Each year the College welcomes students from overseas schools in Uruguay, Hong Kong, Japan, Spain, Italy, and Taiwan. While in return Redfield students have spent extended periods in schools overseas in reciprocal arrangements.
Father and Son Camps: Every year, students at Redfield can go camping with their fathers over one weekend. The programme is currently offered to the students from year 2 to year 8. The camps are great way for fathers to build relationships with their sons, their friends and the families of the friends.
The current College Captain is Douglas George and the College Vice Captain is Luke Abagi.
The Current Headmaster is James Burfitt[2], who as of 2011 succeeds Andrew Mullins, author of "Parenting for Character".[3]